Donald A MacInnis Obituary
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Donald A. MacInnis a Resident of Fergus. Don passed away at St. Joseph's Pallative Care with his partner of 50 years by his side (Joan Fanning) on Tuesday, August 6, 2024, in his 87th year. Don was a business owner in Truro, Nova Scotia for many years until he moved to Ontario in 1974. He continued his entrepreneurship in Ontario owning retail stores in Guelph, than Fergus until his retirement. Don is survived by his partner Joan Fanning, step-son Sean Fanning of Ottawa, his brother Graydon Peavoy of Windsor, his sister Bonnie Kraemer (Gerry) of Callander and many nieces and nephews. He is predeceased by his parents Edna (Billie) and Harry Peavoy, daughter Cheryl MacInnis, step daughter Nichelle Fanning. As per his request there will be no service. Cremation has taken place. Rest in peace Don 🩷