Mr. Timothy (Tim) Shawn Betzer's obituary , Passed away on December 30, 2024 in Norwalk, California

Mr. Timothy (Tim) Shawn Betzer

March 21, 1968 - December 30, 2024 (56 years old)

Norwalk, California

Mr. Timothy (Tim) Shawn Betzer's obituary , Passed away on December 30, 2024 in Norwalk, California

Mr. Timothy (Tim) Shawn Betzer

March 21, 1968 - December 30, 2024 (56 years old)

Norwalk, California

Timothy (Tim) Shawn Betzer Obituary

Timothy (Tim) Shawn Betzer was born March 21, 1968 and died December 30, 2024. Tim passed away suddenly on 12/30/2024 after a brief hospital stay.

Tim was a graduate of St. John Bosco high school class of 1986. He was also a member of the golf team.

After high school, he attended CSU Dominguez Hills and earned a B.S. in Business Administration/Accounting in 1992. He was also a founding father of the Sigma Pi fraternity.

Tim enjoyed watching college football, especially USC, the LA Dodgers, LA Kings and playing golf.

He worked many jobs in corporate America-Optum, CareMore, AHMC and PacifiCare to name a few. His last position was as a senior data analyst with PIH Health in Whittier.

He was an organ donor and his pancreas, right kidney, skin and bones are viable for donation.

He is survived by his son, Brennan, cousin, Carole, stepmother, Renee, Brennan’s grandmother, Karen, girlfriend, Eileen and many friends. He is predeceased by his parents Loretta and Jay.

Currently no information is known about an upcoming service. Please contact Eileen Ikuta at 818-929-6069 for more information.

Created by : Eileen Ikuta

Sympathy messages

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A person wrote a message from the heart


Words of sympathy

January 21, 2025

Eileen Ikuta wrote a sympathy message

“It’s been almost a month and I’m still in shock that you’re gone. I just can’t believe it. I miss you every day and I cry every day. Everything I see or touch reminds me of you. I wish you were still here with me. I love you forever. 💗 💕. Timmy bear, 🐻 please remember our love ❤️ and me!”



There are no events at this time. If you know of an upcoming event for Timothy (Tim) Shawn Betzer, please add one.