Logan Ambous Henry-Mcpherson Obituary
It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing of Logan Ambous Henry-McPherson, who left this world far too soon at the tender age of 5. Logan, born on September 6, 2007 and passed away on May 29, 2013. a bright and spirited child, brought joy and laughter to all who knew him. His infectious smile and boundless curiosity were a gift to his family and friends. Logan loved exploring the outdoors, playing with his toys, and making new friends. He had a unique ability to light up a room and inspire those around him with his imagination and enthusiasm. His laughter will forever echo in the hearts of his loved ones. He was a kindergartener at Jacox Elementary, Loved helping out his teachers and his classmates, He passed away Just 5 days before his kindergarten graduation. He loved Superheroes like Spider-man, Batman, Captain America, He also loved Cartoons like Tom & Jerry, Teen Titans Go, Scooby Doo! His favorite Movies were Monster house, The Adventures Of Shark Boy & Lava Girl, & Monsters INC. Logan is survived by his devoted parents, who cherished every moment spent with him just like the day he was born. as well as his extended family and friends who adored him. His memory will live on in the hearts of everyone who was fortunate enough to know him.