Kevin Lamar Bierley Obituary
Kevin L Bierley
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the sudden passing of Kevin Bierley of Atlanta, GA on December 25th, 2024. Kevin was born on May 15th, 1964 and grew up in Niagara Falls, NY, where he graduated from LaSalle Senior High School in 1982. Kevin was best known for being a social butterfly, bringing people together and enjoying life. Kevin had a successful career as a small business owner and worked many years in telecommunications for New York Telephone, Endeavor communications and Adelphla. He spent most of his free time with friends and family, and was very passionate about listening to music like Genesis, YES, and Peter Gabriel. Kevin was a dedicated family man and a loving husband to Laurel (Washington) Bierley, and a devoted father to Chloe Bierley. Kevin, a loving son to the late Gwen Bierley and the late George Bierley, as well as the late Gada Tweed and Otis Tweed, and dear brother to Kim (Bierley) Carey, Julie Benton (Allen), and Daniel Tweed (Diana). He is also survived by many loving nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends. A celebration of Kevin’s life will be held on Saturday, June 14th, 2025. Time and location have yet to be determined.
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